We ♥️ Animal Rescues!
A Beneficiary of Pawsitively Elgin is actively involved in the planning committee and participates fully in the Pawsitively Elgin annual event. Two rescues are chosen each year to split the *profits from the event.
In order to become a beneficiary of Pawsitively Elgin, a rescue must:
- provide proof their rescues has an adoption application and process
- provide a letter from their veterinarian office stating that they provide services for the rescue and those services include neutering and spaying
- sign Beneficiary Commitment Form (contract) that they will abide by the policies of Pawsitively Eglin
- understand that their contract is in place for 1 year only however they can reapply each year
- work with the PAWS Committee as needed/requested
- attend online meetings as needed (at least one representative from the Rescue)
- continually advertise the event and their role in the event through social media and contacts
- support and assist in pre-event duties as needed (i.e.: collect pre-used items for the Mega Mutts yard sale)
- be there the Friday before the event to assist in the set-up of the event with the other committee members.
- solicit items from their rescue’s contacts for the raffle and silent action tables
- participate the day of the event by having an active “host” booth spotlighting their rescue
- actively participate in seeking reliable volunteer resources for the day of the event to work at both your booth and at the event
- agree to provide a detailed list as to what the money the rescue received was used for – this information will be made public by Pawsitively Elgin in full transparency to its committee, vendors and event participants